Nabin K. Malakar, Ph.D.

I am a computational physicist working on societal applications of machine-learning techniques.

Research Links

My research interests span multi-disciplinary fields involving Societal applications of Machine Learning, Decision-theoretic approach to automated Experimental Design, Bayesian statistical data analysis and signal processing.


Interested about the picture? Autonomous experimental design allows us to answer the question of where to take the measurements. More about it is here...


I addition to the research, I also like to hike, bike, read and play with water color.

Thanks for the visit. Please feel free to visit my Weblogs.

Welcome to Please visit again.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Connecting Through Google Friend Connect

There are a lot of social connection gadgets aiming to bring together the audience of your blog or website.
Namely: Networked Blog through Facebook, My Blog Log, Blog Catalog, Google Friend Connect etc. etc.

I think connecting through google friend connect should be the easiest one. It can be easily integrated into the site.  See the video below.
Although there are a lot of people using Networked Blog through Facebook account, some find it not so convenient. Facebook connect is growing for sure. We can talk about that in future. :)

Once it is installed, connection becomes very easy!

Installation is  easy.
This video explains it all!

I find many blogs out there to be based upon blogger platform. So, installation is piece of cake.


Thursday, December 24, 2009

Nepali Bloggers and Unification
Are you ready?

Yes, I am talking about saving efforts and energy+time for integration of Nepali Bloggers under one umbrella (Hey we are done with discussion of reviving BLOGAN, right?). In addition, I would like to suggest that there should be some kind of mechanism which penalizes copy and paste things. There are people who love to do copy and paste to produce "blog".

The importance of being organized comes here. One way of realizing it is to have an universal feed from Nepali Bloggers.  
Is ready for it?
There is no doubt that it has a great collection of blog by Nepali people around the globe. As I indicated previously, many has gone for hibernation. It would be frustrating to find many links wasted to not find active Nepali Bloggers.

Based upon personal connections, we have nice hamro-circle[link] list of active nepali bloggers. Currently, we have a widget, and Email subscription to updated blogs through it.

Instead of having to go for different server, my question would be whether current team would be interested in having such aggregation of rss and an universal feed (not hosted in personal server/not any other dot com / dot org or dot net server). I am talking about the Authenticity, Brand and Unification.
Note that experiment with hamro-circle proves that such aggregation is possible.
You can see an example here:
(this is a temporary place for experiment)

What we need next is a server with python support. The software can be scheduled with cron job; this will enable gathering of all the feed as desired. We can also go ahead and work on having some nice gadget from the rss generated thereby ( I had created one... see here).

The beauty lies in the fact that it will be an open source project (more eyes on it), the in-active bloggers (enlisted) are pushed into the bottom. There would be no such thing as new and old blogger "discrimination", all get equal chance to get their post visible. Plus ability to deliver updated blog summary by Email (this help increases the visit to active blog). This may also be the motivational factor for many quality posts. Moreover, since this would be supplemented by the unified forum (Google group), we can bring justice to copy pasted items.

The idea is simple and easy. What we need is connection and commitment.

This is all possible with Are you ready?

PS: based upon communications with Aakar, Nepalean G, Dilip G et. al. Views presented here may not be representative view of all quoted above. I will take any responsibility of any such discrepancy in interpretation.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Indiscrete Thoughts: by Gian-Carlo Rota

The conventional approach to teaching abstract ideas and natural sciences are sometimes phrased as, "I do not know how true the story is, I will tell you as it was told to me" [1].

There has been several attempts to break the conventional method of passing the lecture notes from one generation to another so that the classroom environment and learning could be implemented in more effective ways [2]. In the context of discussing the philosophical aspects of what effective teaching and learning environment means to student-teacher relationship, and more importantly to learning, I would like to briefly review the book by Gian-Carlo Rota [3].  Rota was one of the most respected and popular teachers at MIT. He taught difficult but very popular courses in probability, and Applications of Calculus [4].

Rota, as described by others, has always been portrayed as a successful teacher [6]. The book successfully grabs a very rare story told from the perspective of a mathematician and a philosopher.  Reading through the book gives a rare glimpse of what it takes to be a successful teacher. The deep philosophy behind every classroom activities and professional life has been elaborated in beautiful ways.  The learning theme such as
"You learn what you don't know you are learning";  "By and large, 'knowing how' matters more than 'knowing what' " [5] forms the basis of  the same philosophy  when it comes to teaching. "Ten Lessons I wish I had been taught" and "Ten Lessons for the survival of a Mathematics Department", not only applies to mathematics professionals and students but equally to any academicians. Moreover, it is equally delightful to read his other chapters which involves portrayal of many famous scientists as human beings. The book is absolutely spellbinding.


[1] Sir Walter Scott: "I tell the tale as it was told to me."


[3] Gian-Carlo Rota. Ed: Palombi, Fabrizio. Indiscrete Thoughts. Boston: Birkhäuser, 2008.



[6] Wesley T. Chan (December 5, 1997). "To Teach or Not To Teach: Professors Might Try a New Approach to Classes -- Caring about Teaching". The Tech 117 (63).

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Congratulations to Recent Physics Ph. D. s (TU Physics Almuni)

It is quite amazing that this month we witnessed a burst of Physics PhD holders. (Recent Nepali PhD Physicists or Tribhuvan University almuni.)

Dr. Bed Nidhi Pantha from Kansas State University. (Announced Nov. 20, 2009)
Dr. Pantha: working as Post Doc. fellow in: Texas Tech University.

Dr. Rajendra Dahal from Kansas State University. (Announced Nov. 20, 2009)
Dr. Dahal: working as Post Doc. fellow in: Texas Tech University.

Dr. Himal Khatri from University of Toledo, OH. (Announced Nov. 20, 2009)
Dr. Khatri working as Post Doc. fellow in: University of Toledo.

Dr. Laxman Mainali from State University of NewYork @ Albany. (Announced Nov. 20, 2009)
Dr. Mainali working as Post Doc. fellow in: Medical College of Wisconsin.

Dr. Indra Dev Sahu from State University of NewYork, Albany, USA.(Announced Nov. 2, 2009)
Dr. Sahu: working as Post Doc. fellow in Ohio Advanced EPR Lab at Miami University, Oxford, OH

I would like to congratulate the recent Nepali Physics Drs and wish all the success in their academic endeavors.


Rudra dai and Bhoj R. Gautam.

PS: There are a lot of list collectors out there. I would appreciate if the list collectors acknowledge the source.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Subscribe to Active Nepali Blogs by Email: Hamro-Circle

Hamro-Circle provides an easy access for updated blogs from active Nepali Bloggers around the Globe. I am thankful to so many adorable people for the positive response and acceptance of Hamro-Circle and the associated Google Widget.

It gives me a great pleasure to announce that now we can subscribe to the feed in hamro-circle by Email. Since the feedburner is designed to gather only some words from the first paragraph of posts, I hope no one will be upset about his/her blog is being sindicated to Email.
To me it is really nice feature that I will get updated blog titles/post summaries to Email everyday through Feed burner.

Please subscribe to Hamro-Circle Feed by Email.
Subscribe to Hamro Circle: Active Nepali Blogs by Email

The defect at the moment is the fact that Email feed delivery is set at mid-night EST. Which makes me get it after the delay of a day. Sometimes it feels bad to be in the last of the discussions. However, I still try to convince myself that is OK as I am not completely missing the juice. I mean the post is fresh and alive after a day. :)

Please subscribe and post your experience in comment.
Thank You!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Moon Pictures from Observatory @Earth Science Department

For long time I was not aware of the 16inch telescope located at the roof top of the Earth Science Department @ SUNY Albany.
This year I am doing Teaching assistant ship job for Prof. Knuth's Star Systems class. (
Today provided very nice opportunity to invite students for stargazing through twitter and Phil's Black Board page. It was dark enough by 7 PM. The night sky was very very clear. We did some observations including Moon and Jupiter.
Here are some pics taken by my Mobile.

Please note that I could get only some portion in the field of view. Let me tell you:
It was amazing

Got a blurred version captured. You can see three of the Jupiter's Moons.

The Moon

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Physics Frontline: Official Blog by Americal Physical Society

The scientific publications by Americal Physical Society has been viewed as very prestigious materials by/among the scholars. Physics Frontline is the latest effort to bring out discussions on general topics aimed to public and members.

Let me quote:
Physics Frontline covers the latest scientific news, analysis and commentary on the intersection of physics with science policy  issues, including innovation, education, energy, climate change, and nuclear policy.
I had also written about the "Physics", the online publication of APS, spotlight kind of site for Physics with interesting materials here...
The aim of "" was to highlight some interesting viewpoints, trends and promote the discussions with synopses.

I suppose the aim of Frontline is going to be more oriented towards general public. Looking at few postings in there, I can see that it is more towards the policy or the concurrent view of physics.

Let me quote once more:

To serve the needs of its membership and the general public, APS concerns itself with a number of issues that affect both the physics community and the nation as a whole.  They are:
Competitiveness & Innovation
Energy & Environment
Research Funding

The American Physical Society is the leading professional organization of physicists, representing over 47,000 physicists in academia and industry in the United States and internationally.


Saturday, September 19, 2009

Active Nepali Bloggers, Nepali Bloggers Group and BLOGAN part I

Scenario One:
When I started blogging back in 2004, it was meant to be personal rambling. I started with a lot of  energy and the old blogger; invited few friends and asked for comments on it. No one really cared.
I then stopped it, eventually that got deleted in 2007 when I saw that the level of writing was not upto it. Anyway, that was a crude start back then. In conversation with one of the friend, on the use of blogging as ways to communicate, he indicated me that he had seen another blog by a Nepali lady aboard writing on the ease of transportation. As he said, she was writing on the possible abuse by the passengers on the crowded bus in Nepal and was comparing the scenario aboard. My impression of blog since has not changed.

Scenario Two:
I started back to blog. The promoting energy was the power of bloggers that was witnessed while I was searching for the reliability of Dell computer that I was thinking of buying. I found that the Blogs were much more informative than the news site as it clearly indicated the defects and the hassle in dealing with the customer care center. The same energy got my blogger part awaken and started doing so. It was fun. The same friend, commented: A good way to kill time while alone/aboard.
After rambling for some time, I got interested in searching for Nepali Bloggers. By this time was there. At least 75/80 blogs were already listed. I browsed them one by one. To my great surprise, most of them had already decided to hibernate.
I wanted to see the active Nepali Bloggers.

Scenario Three:
In the quest of seeking active Nepali Bloggers, Nepalean et al was able to gather about x number of bloggers into the same place in shout box (in Dautari Blog Chautari). I really enjoyed it! Personally, it gave me a chance to say hello to bloggers who were adorable and passionate in their writings. Before that event, I really had not much chance to chat to fellow bloggers except with Aakar, Naya Laure etc. Everyone appreciated the effort by the team.
However, one striking feature was there...
A quest to seek active Nepali Bloggers versus revive the BLOGAN.
One said some people (of BLOGAN) had already started blogging even before other Nepali knew what blog meant. Really?

Well, what does a blog mean?

  1. Collection of News/Reporting
  2. Collection of Personal thoughts/Biases
  3. Collection of Personal Literatures
  4. Place to dump copy and paste materials
  5. All of the above
  6. None of the above
More on the second part...


Thank You Dilip jee(@ comment) for indicating the omission, the fulltext of Dautari Bhela can be found here...

Friday, August 28, 2009

Physics Students Departing from Nepal to USA for Fall 2009.

This year only about one and half dozen Nepali Physicists departed aboard for pursuing higher degrees. As we are aware, most of them do come to USA.
Here is what I have been able to collect so far...

Jagannath Devkota(USM)
Pushpa Pudasaini(USM)
Santosh K.C.(Texas)
Tulashi Dahal (Boston)
Ganesh Chand
Sanjeev Jha(NMSU)
Dilli Raj Poudel(NMSU)
Barun Gupta (University of Utah)
Bindu K.C (Idaho State Univ.)
Purushottam Tiwari (Florida)
Pooja Pradhan (U Toledo)
Kamal Dhungana (Michigan Tech)
Tek Basel (University of Utah)
Bhim Lal Poudel(Miami)
Dharma Raj Khatiwada (Minesota)
Hari lal Bhatta (Missouri state university)
Madan Lamichhane (Memphis)
While the business of list collecting is not unique in its nature, I would like to welcome fellow colleagues and wish them all the best for their future academic endeavor.
Thanks to Dilli, Jagannath and Smriti Jee.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

US Chapter of Nepal Physical Society (US Co NPS)

An idea has been playing football in my mind for long time. We have had few discussions on personal level to some colleagues. I know that it will take long time for this idea to come true, however, writing on it should be OK...

Nepal Physical Society (NPS) should be proud as her members are growing and going aboard for further education with the aim to gain Degrees in prestigious Universities around the Globe.  Some informal data show that there are more than 250 Physicists aboard pursuing higher studies in countries like USA, Norway, Japan, Korea, India etc... Among them most of the mass is concentrated on USA.

It has been long realized the necessity of co-ordination between Physicists aboard and NPS. The communication has been on personal level and few activities also happen at personal level by personal interests/volunteers.

At this point, one can envision having a US chapter of Nepal Physical Society.
I think, many respected physicists are more knowledgeable on how to run a chapter. What we need is a widespread discussion on how to do it. The right time is coming, are we able to see it?

Being a proud member of NPS, I have been writing few stuffs related to nps, which can be found here... Please be advised that these are my personal views. One has utmost right to agree or dis-agree on it!

On the google map, we have been able to list about hundred people. The list keeps on growing as we come to learn about Nepali Physicists around the Globe. Please leave a comment with your Name, University, your URL, field of study/research. We will be glad to include you!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Heading for MaxEnt2009, Ole, Mississippi

Today I am heading to Oxford, Mississippi for MaxEnt2009 conference.

This is a week long conference discussing on wide variety of topics on Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering. Topics range from foundations of probability theory, information theory, and inference and inquiry to astronomy and astrophysics, genetics, geophysics, medical imaging, material science, nanoscience, source separation, particle physics, quantum mechanics, plasma physics, chemistry, earth science, climate studies, engineering and robotics.

It gives a thrilling experience to see all the dignified scientists in the same conference and have an opportunity to present the work.

I will be presenting my work on Spatial Sensititivity Function (SSF) of a point sensor in the conference.

Experimental Guys should find it to be an interesting piece of application of  Bayesian Inference Methods (BIM).

Details will be posted as I put my work on arxiv.

Last year the conference was organized in Sao Paulo,Brazil.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Nepali Team in the International Physics Olympiad IPhO2009: Mexico


We have been updated that Mr. Rohan Poudel (Team: Nepal) got the BRONZE MEDAL in IPhO 2009.

We would like to Congratulate Mr. Poudel and wish him all the best for future academic endeavors.

The 40th INTERNATIONAL PHYSICS OLYMPIAD, IPhO2009, will be held in Merida, Mexico from July 11 to 19th, 2009.

Nepal Physics Olympiad (NEPHO) committee was formed on the initiation of Dr. Sitaram Byahut in 2006. As one of the member of the Society, We have seen his dedication and hard work to bring it up from zero. On his co-ordination, Team Nepal participated in the 38th IPhO competitions held in Iran in July 2007 for the first time with four students. Mr. Bishal Lamichhane of St. Xavier’s College won the “HONOR MENTION” award and the President’s prize for the “Best among the New Participants”.

In 2008, in Hanoi, Vietnam, Nepal Participated with a team of 6 people.

The process of selection involves Nepal Physics Olympiad Committee conducting a national level test among students of +2 sciences, A level in science and I. Sc. It then selects, trains to represent Nepal in IPhO.

Nepali team for IPhO 2009

This year The test was held on 1 March 2009. It was conducted in Padma Kanya Campus, Baghbazar, Kathmandu, Pokhara and in Butwal. About 250 students appeared in the test. NePhO selected top 30 students for further training. Those students were trained for one week before a test was administered to select top five students to represent Nepalese team in the 40th IPhO 2009. Mr. Rohan Poudel, Mr. Grishma Raj Pandeya, Mr. Roshan Sharma, Mr. Shikhar Rai and Mr. Manish Pokhreal comprise the team to the IPhO-2009. The team will also have a leader – Dr. Narayan Adhikari/Prof. Dr. Pradeep Bhattarai. There are three intensive trainings, each of six days duration, for the preparation to the IPhO. The team is leaving for the IPhO to Hanoi on 9 July 2009. we would like to extend best wishes to the Nepali Olympiad Team.

[Adopted from: NPS Newsletter 2009]


I could not see any updates in the Nepho website:

nor in the group:

There are a lot of troubles and hurdles to get Nepali team into such huge programs, moreover, Mexico is on the other side of the globe for Nepali participants. However, participation in such programs will not only bring students to the global exposure, it will also awaken a huge physics monster living in them. Challenge them and will be good for the overall development of physics and physics education in Nepal.

IPhO Programs:

Physics today Blog...

Sunday, June 28, 2009

NPS Executive: Archive

From Nepal Physical Society  Archive
Executive Committee 2066/68(2009-11)

Prof.Dr.Shekhar Gurung

Mr.Ramesh Shakya
rameshshakya[ at ]

Prof.Dr.Nanda Bdr Maharjan

Dr.Tika Katuwal          
katuwal_tika[at }hotmail. com

Mr.Deependra Parajuli    
deepenparaj a]t

Dr.Sanju Shrestha        
sanju12np at

Dr.Binil Aryal           
binil.aryal{ at}

Mr.Gopi Chandra Kafle   
gopikafle  at

Mr.Jagannath Devkota    
jd.phys [at ]

Mr.Nava Raj Subedi      

Mr.Ram Babu Ray         

Executive Committee 2062/64(2005-07)

Mr. Ramesh Shakya

Immediate Past-president
Prof. Dr. Shesh Kanta Aryal

Dr. Jeevan Jyoti Nakarmi

Dr. Pradeep Bhattarai

Mr. Niraj Man Shrestha

Dr. Sanju Shrestha

Dr. Narayan Prasad Adhikari

Mr. Nabin Paudel
Mr. Rajendra Prasad Koirala
Mr. Krishna Bahadur Rai
Mr. Dipendra Parajuli
Executive Committee 2064/66(2007-09)

Prof. Dr. Shesh Kanta Aryal

Immediate Past-president
Prof. Dr. Shekhar Gurung

Mrs. Shyama Regmi (Adhikari)

Dr. Bhadra Prasad Pokharel

Mr. Hom Bahadur Baniya

Mrs. Usha Joshi

Dr. Raju Khanal

Mr. Amba Datta Pant
Mr. Niraj Man Shrestha
Mr. Nurapati Pantha
Mr. Nabin Kumar Malakar

Editorial Board Members
Mr. Hari Shankar Mallik
Ms. Pramila Shakya

 Executive Committee 2060/62

Prof. Dr. Shekhar Gurung

Immediate Past-president
Prof. Dr. Devendra Raj Mishra

Mr. Ramesh Shakya

Dr. Balkrishna Sapkota

Mr. Rudra Aryal

Mrs. Usha Joshi

Dr. Bhadra Prasad Pokharel

Mr. Rajendra Prasad Dahal
Mr. Hom Bahadur Baniya
Mr. Ganapati Nath Jha
Dr. Dilli Prasad Banjade

Editorial Board Members
Dr. Ram Prasad Regmi
Mr. Yadav pandit 


Monday, June 1, 2009

A Google Widget for Nepali Bloggers

A google widget for Nepal Bloggers has been created: get one here 
The amazing thing is that it works everywhere from your igoogle page to web page or blog. Simply insert the code, and you are good to go. There are functionalities to modify it. You can change the dimension to fit into your available space. For the time being, it is updated every hour and collects from about 60/70 blogs listed in hamrocircle . This is just an attempt to have a list of active Nepali bloggers who are ready to show love to each other by visiting each other and sharing the views. We know that many sites are not yet listed there. It is still being updated.

I would also suggest joining the hamrocircle in facebook .

We can see that there have been growing market of such blog lists. The first I could find was . A huge listing of Nepali Bloggers can be found there. A problem however in there is the fact that many of them have gone into hibernation. Some had only few posts. I can understand it, we are not professional bloggers. Even If we want to be, we end up posting news and claiming to be blogger. Well, not that easy job either. I think being a blogger means something different than posting news.

Thank You every body for using it and giving creative feedbacks. 

Special Thanks the first time users.

Please let me know if you are using it!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Constellations in the Southern Sky

Last summer, 2008, I was in Sao Paulo Brazil for MaxEnt 2008 conference. Aside the academic matters, we had chance to see the night sky. I have to tell you that the night sky in southern Hemisphere is very very different.
Because of the orientation of the earth, the spiral of the milky way towards center of Galaxy could be seen. It was equally exciting to see the Alpha Centauri from there.

After the Anonymous commented, I wanted to write a little bit on it: (Thanks Anonymy!)
The Milky way galaxy we see in the northern sky is going from north to south. In there, we can see the spiral arm of the Milky way and the center of the galaxy; which is exciting! The Alpha Centauri was also saying hello! from about four and half light years, the whole night sky was so gorgeous! I don't know if you have seen the beauty of sky in the darkness!

See the apod:
The picture is "Astronomy picture of the day". The sky was not much different.
 Stargazing Basics: Getting Started in Recreational AstronomyNightWatch: A Practical Guide to Viewing the UniverseStargazing

Monday, May 4, 2009

Wake up, grab the dream and live it!

Larry Page: the creator of Page Rank system and the founder of Google has given an inspiring note on the commencement of 2009 @ University of Michigan.

Here is a brief quote from his speech:
Well, I had one of those dreams when I was 23. When I suddenly woke up, I was thinking: what if we could download the whole web, and just keep the links and... I grabbed a pen and started writing! Sometimes it is important to wake up and stop dreaming. I spent the middle of that night scribbling out the details and convincing myself it would work. Soon after, I told my advisor, Terry Winograd, it would take a couple of weeks to download the web -- he nodded knowingly, fully aware it would take much longer but wise enough to not tell me. The optimism of youth is often underrated! Amazingly, I had no thought of building a search engine. The idea wasn't even on the radar. But, much later we happened upon a better way of ranking webpages to make a really great search engine, and Google was born. When a really great dream shows up, grab it!


Larry Page's University of Michigan Commencement Address here...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

List of Nepali Physicists Aboard: Reloaded

I can recall this:
I was a B.Sc. Third year student at Trichandra College, doing my Electronics project with Jeevan Jyoti Nakarmi sir. He was excited to tell us that Nepali Physicists in USA had created a database of all Nepali Physicists.


I was the president of Students Association of Physics (SAP) and was told by Prof. Devendra Raj Mishra to think about preparing similar data sheet. His vision was to have a list in which one should be able to have knowledge of "who is doing what in where". That facilitates the nation to plan. PhD student are the treasures of nation.

After coming to USA, during my first year, I could not care less. I was able to find the list prepared by Dr. Jagat Shakya. But that list was discontinued. Out of that list I was able to create the list of physicists for Google Group of Nepal Physical Society.  Thankfully, google approved my request to send the mass invitation Email. Many were ignored, many were mis-typed. In anyway it has 193+ verified members with 34 active members.

Similarly, Yahoo Group Created by Sameer Dai had attempted to create a database of the members. It has never been completed. He has been requesting it for long time. Because of technical glitch it is closed to the public. I wish it could be open group.

Google Group also attempted to having such database:
but it did not go very far. Only 22 entries are there.

Another attempt was to have a facebook group:
Growing as per the facebook users grow...

Then there comes the "Nepali Physicists around the Globe": A project aimed to put the Nepali Physicists on the Google Map. Amit Dongol and I had volunteered (thanks also to Deepak Rimal and Sanjiv Jha). It got around 120 entries.  It is there,24.82544&spn=179.310626,357.890625 Still needs to be updated.

The effort continues...
The question is how to get in touch with the new batch of unlisted Nepali Physicists or how can they find us.

If you are Nepali Physicist and are missing on the list; plus want to be in touch, the best way would be to join the Google Group of Nepal Physical Society. 
People will come and go creating lists but the authentic group will survive forever. 

(Wow!!! written in 32+2 minutes!)

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Nepali Physicists in APS March Meeting, 2009 @ Pittsburgh

This year marked the biggest March Meeting in the history of American Physical Society (APS).
At least 40 Nepali Physicists were present at the meeting.
Most (all ?) of the Nepali participants are the member of Nepal Physical Society.
Nepal Physical Society(NPS) is a reciprocal society of the APS.

The following list is composed by Pashupati Dhakal and is taken from the Facebook Group of Nepali Physicists.

Dr. Dandapani Acharya BNL, NY
Dr. Durga Paudel AMES Lab, Iowa
Dr. Hari Dahal LANL, New Mexico
Dr. Lekhnath Bhusal National Renewable Energy Lab
Dr. Mim lal Nakarmi Brooklyn College,NY
Dr. Neeraj Nepal North Carolina State University
Dr. Prem Chapagain Florida International University
Dr. Prem Thapa Kansas State University
Dr. Tara Dhakal University Of Florida
Dr. Tula Paudel Case Western Reserve University
Amit Dangol University of Cincinnati
Ashok Sedhain Kansas State University
Bhuvan Joshi Kent State University
Chandra Pokherel Kent State University
Chirinjivi Lamsal Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Choodamani Khanal Florida International University
Deepak Rimal Florida International University
Giri Raj Joshi Boston College
Indra dev Shau State University of NY, Albany
Jagat Lamsal University of Missouri, Columbia
Keshab Paudel University of Missouri, Columbia
Kiran Khanal University of Akron
Laxman Mainali State University of NY, Albany
Madhab Gautam University of Akron
Madhab Neupane Boston College
Nagendra Dhakal Southern Mississippi University
Naresh Shakya Kent State University
Pashupati Dhakal Boston College
Phadindra Bhatta Kent State University
Pooja Shrestha University of Cincinnati
Prem Basnayat Kent State University
Pushkar Thapa Wayne State University
Rajendra Timilsina Southern Mississippi University
Rajesh Regmi Wayne State University
Rajesh Shah Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Ramesh Dhungana University of North Dakota
Sanjay Pravakar State University of NY, Albany
Shyam Raj Badu State University of NY, Albany
Subas Dhakal Kent State University
Trilochan Paudel Boston College


Monday, February 23, 2009

Nepali Physicists around the Globe

"Nepali Physicists around the Globe"
A project aimed at gathering information of Nepali Students around the globe 

Located at: the google map

The list is still being updated...
Please help if you see anyone missing...

Dr. Ananta Raj Adhikari
University of Texas-Pan American
Edinburg, TX

Dr. Ishwaree Neupane
Research Area: Theoretical High Energy Physics (String Theory, Cosmology and Particle Physics) University: University of Canterbury URL:
Research Area: Theoretical High Energy Physics (String Theory, Cosmology and Particle Physics)
University: University of Canterbury

Dr. Chandra Shekhar Nepali
Experimental nuclear and particle physics Department of Physics Old Dominion University Norfolk, VA -23529
Experimental nuclear and particle physics
Department of Physics
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA -23529

Dr. Jagat Shakya
Logic Technology Development Hillsboro OR Semiconductor R&D

Logic Technology Development
Hillsboro OR
Semiconductor R&D

Dr. Churamani Gaire
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1223 Peoples Ave Troy, NY 12180
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
1223 Peoples Ave
Troy, NY 12180

Dr.Prem P. Chapagain
Assistant Professor Department of Physics Florida International University
Assistant Professor
Department of Physics
Florida International University

Dr. Tara P. Dhakal
University of South Florida Department of Physics Postdoctorate
University of South Florida
Department of Physics

Amit Dongol
Condensed Matter Physics (Laser Holography) (PhD) Department of Physics University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH - 45221
Condensed Matter Physics (Laser Holography) (PhD)
Department of Physics
University of Cincinnati,
Cincinnati, OH - 45221

Ajaya Mishra
University of Missouri
University of Missouri

Anil Ghimire
University of Utah
University of Utah

Amir Man Maharjan
Condensed Matter Physics University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH - 45221
Condensed Matter Physics
University of Cincinnati,
Cincinnati, OH - 45221

Bhoj Raj Gautam
Department of Physics University of Toledo Toledo, OH
Department of Physics
University of Toledo
Toledo, OH

Gopal Sapkota
Department of Physics University of North Texas Denton, TX
Department of Physics
University of North Texas
Denton, TX

Himal Khatri
Photovoltaic (PhD) Department of Physics University of Toledo Toledo, OH
Photovoltaic (PhD)
Department of Physics
University of Toledo
Toledo, OH

Kiran Khanal
Department of Physics University of Akron Akron, OH
Department of Physics
University of Akron
Akron, OH

Khagendra Prasad Bhandari
Department of Physics University of Toledo Toledo, OH
Department of Physics
University of Toledo
Toledo, OH

Laxmi Subedi
Department of Physics University of Akron Akron, OH
Department of Physics
University of Akron
Akron, OH

Manjita Shrestha
Department of Physics New Mexico State University Las Cruces, NM 88003
Department of Physics
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, NM 88003

Madhav Pokhrel
University of Southern Mississipi MS, Research on Simulation (Quantum method)
University of Southern Mississipi
Research on Simulation (Quantum method)

Nabin K. Malakar
Computational Physics, Signal Processing Ph. D. Student WWW BLOG
Computational Physics, Signal Processing
Ph. D. Student

Nirmal G.B. Ghimire
University of Tennessee
University of Tennessee

Samir Guragain
Florida Institute of Technology Department of Physics and Space Sciences 150 W. Univeristy Boulevard Melbourne, FL 32901
Florida Institute of Technology
Department of Physics and Space Sciences
150 W. Univeristy Boulevard
Melbourne, FL 32901

Pooja Shrestha
Computational Biophysics (PhD) Department of Physics/ Department of Chemistry, University of Cincinnatti, Cincinnati, OH
Computational Biophysics (PhD)
Department of Physics/ Department of Chemistry,
University of Cincinnatti, Cincinnati, OH

Nabraj Bhattarai
Central Michigan University
Central Michigan University

Narayan Adhikari
University of Nevada, Reno
University of Nevada, Reno

Naba Raj Paudel
Photovoltaic (PhD) Department of Physics University of Toledo Toledo, OH
Photovoltaic (PhD)
Department of Physics
University of Toledo
Toledo, OH

Shyam Kattel
Department of Physics New Mexico State University Las Cruces, NM 88003
Department of Physics
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, NM 88003

Shree Krishna Bhattarai
University of Texas at Arlington
University of Texas at Arlington

Rishi Ram Pandit
University of Nevada, Reno
University of Nevada, Reno

Ramesh Adhikari
University of Southern Mississipi
University of Southern Mississipi

Rajendra Dulal
University of Massachusets, Boston
University of Massachusets, Boston

Punam Laxmi Silwal
Tulane University
Tulane University

Prabhat Bhattarai
University of Minessota, Duluth
University of Minessota, Duluth

Pramod Lamichhane
Wayne State University
Wayne State University

Pramila Shakya
University of Southern Mississipi
University of Southern Mississipi

Pradip Basnet
University of Massachusets, Dortmouth
University of Massachusets, Dortmouth

Puruswottam Aryal
Photovoltaic (PhD) Department of Physics University of Toledo Toledo, OH
Photovoltaic (PhD)
Department of Physics
University of Toledo
Toledo, OH

Lila Raj Dahal
Photovoltaic (PhD) Department of Physics University of Toledo Toledo, OH
Photovoltaic (PhD)
Department of Physics
University of Toledo
Toledo, OH

Prakash Koirala
Department of Physics University of Toledo Toledo, OH
Department of Physics
University of Toledo
Toledo, OH

Rajendra Khanal
Department of Physics University of Toledo Toledo, OH
Department of Physics
University of Toledo
Toledo, OH

Arjun Dahal
University of Minessota, Duluth
University of Minessota, Duluth

Bibek Gautam
Idaho State University
Idaho State University

Bidhan Lamichhane
Georgia State University
Georgia State University

Bijay Manandhar
University of Maryland
University of Maryland

Chetan Dhital
Boston College
Boston College

Ghaneshwar Gautam
University of Minessota, Duluth
University of Minessota, Duluth

Hari Khanal
Florida International University
Florida International University

Kapil Adhikari
University of Texas at Arlington
University of Texas at Arlington

Rajendra Timilsina
Department of Physics and Astronomy. Website: University of Southern Mississippi
Department of Physics and Astronomy.
University of Southern Mississippi

Subarna Khanal
University of Southern Mississippi. Department of Physics and Astronomy. Website:
University of Southern Mississippi.
Department of Physics and Astronomy.

Nagendra Dhakal
University of Southern Mississippi. Department of Physics and Astronomy. Website:
University of Southern Mississippi.
Department of Physics and Astronomy.

Suraj Khanal
Master of science The University of southern mississippi Department of physics and Astronomy Hattiesburg, Ms USA
Master of science
The University of southern mississippi
Department of physics and Astronomy
Hattiesburg, Ms

Moti Raj Paudel
Field of Research: Medical Physics University of Alberta Department of Oncology, Cross Cancer Institute

Field of Research: Medical Physics

University of Alberta
Department of Oncology,
Cross Cancer Institute

Dip Narayan Mahato
X Ray Optics and Physics of Medical Applications University at Albany SUNY
X Ray Optics and Physics of Medical Applications
University at Albany

Indra Dev Sahu
Bio Medical Physics Department of Physics, SUNY @Albany
Bio Medical Physics
Department of Physics, SUNY @Albany

Laxman Mainali
Bio Medical Physics Department of Physics, SUNY @Albany
Bio Medical Physics
Department of Physics, SUNY @Albany

Shyam Raj Badu
Department of Physics, SUNY @Albany
Department of Physics, SUNY @Albany

Sanjay Prabhakar
College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering University at Albany State University of New York Research:- Quantum Computation
College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering
University at Albany
State University of New York
Research:- Quantum Computation

Dipak Rimal
Florida International University 11200 SW 8th St CP 204 Miami, FL 33199
Florida International University
11200 SW 8th St
CP 204
Miami, FL 33199

Suman Neupane
Nanoscience FIU
Nanoscience FIU

Megh Raj Niroula
Experimental nuclear and particle physics Department of Physics Old Dominion University Norfolk, VA -23529
Experimental nuclear and particle physics
Department of Physics
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA -23529

Bishwanath Gaire
Kansas State University Department of Physics Field of Research: Atomic, Molecular, and Optical (AMO) Physics Manhattan, KS, 66506
Kansas State University
Department of Physics
Field of Research: Atomic, Molecular, and Optical (AMO) Physics
Manhattan, KS, 66506

Gambhir Ranjeet
Atomic Physics Department of Physics Old Dominion University Norfolk, VA -23529
Atomic Physics
Department of Physics
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA -23529

Suman Bandhu Koirala
Department of Physics Old Dominion University Norfolk, VA -23529
Department of Physics
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA -23529

Krishna Adhikari
Experimental nuclear and particle physics Department of Physics Old Dominion University Norfolk, VA -23529
Experimental nuclear and particle physics
Department of Physics
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA -23529

Pramod Acharya
FAU BocaRaton
FAU BocaRaton

Chola Regmi
FIU Biophysics
FIU Biophysics

Kamal Kadel
FIU Nanoscience
FIU Nanoscience

Puskar Chapagain
University of Minnesota Duluth
University of Minnesota Duluth

Himali Kalakhety
Florida Institute of Technolgy Department of Physics and Space Sciences 150 W. Univeristy Boulevard Melbourne, FL 32901
Florida Institute of Technolgy
Department of Physics and Space Sciences
150 W. Univeristy Boulevard
Melbourne, FL 32901

YubaRaj Bhandari

Narayan Poudyal
University of Texas at Arlington Department of Physics Reseach focus: Nanostructrued Magnetic Materials 502 Yates st SH 108 Arlington, TX 76019
University of Texas at Arlington
Department of Physics
Reseach focus: Nanostructrued Magnetic Materials
502 Yates st SH 108
Arlington, TX 76019

Central Department of Physics
Where our Dignified Professors reside.
Where our Dignified Professors reside.

Dhan B. Khadka
University of South Florida Department of Physics (PhD) Novel Materials Laboratory 4202 East Fowler Avenue, PHY 114 Tampa, FL 33620 Research:- thermo-electric-renewable energy
University of South Florida
Department of Physics (PhD)
Novel Materials Laboratory
4202 East Fowler Avenue, PHY 114
Tampa, FL 33620
Research:- thermo-electric-renewable energy

Hari Dahal
Los Alamos National Laboratory (Group T-4) City-Los Alamos, NM Graduated from Boston College, Massachuetts
Los Alamos National Laboratory (Group T-4)
City-Los Alamos, NM

Graduated from Boston College, Massachuetts

Milan Poudel
Texas A & M University Research:- Ultrafast Optics Department of Physics College Station, TX-77843
Texas A & M University
Research:- Ultrafast Optics
Department of Physics
College Station, TX-77843

Parshuram Dahal
University of Oklahoma Homer L. Dodge Department of Physics and Astronomy 440 W. Brooks St. Norman, OK 73019, USA
University of Oklahoma
Homer L. Dodge Department of Physics and Astronomy
440 W. Brooks St.
Norman, OK 73019, USA

Narayan P. Chapagain
Utah State University Logan, Utah
Utah State University
Logan, Utah

Bhoj Raj Gautam
University of Utah
University of Utah

Bill Bahadur Pandit Chhettri
University of Utah
University of Utah

Mukti Aryal
Department of Physics and Astronomy The University of Texas at Dallas
Department of Physics and Astronomy
The University of Texas at Dallas

Bhuvan Joshi
Liquid Crystal Physics Department ,Kent State University, 105 Smith Hall, Kent,OH,44242
Liquid Crystal
Physics Department ,Kent State University, 105 Smith Hall, Kent,OH,44242

Bed Pantha
Kansas State University Department of Physics Manhattan KS 6502 Research:Wide Band Gap Semiconductor
Kansas State University
Department of Physics
Manhattan KS 6502
Research:Wide Band Gap Semiconductor

Chandra Pokhrel
Liquid Crystal and Organic Semiconductor Physics Department ,Kent State University, 105 Smith Hall, Kent,OH,44242
Liquid Crystal and Organic Semiconductor
Physics Department ,Kent State University, 105 Smith Hall, Kent,OH,44242

Danda Pani Acharya, Ph.D.
Postdoc Research Associate Center for Functional NanomaterialsBrookhaven National Lab.Upton, NY, 11961

Postdoc Research Associate

Center for Functional Nanomaterials

Brookhaven National Lab.

Upton, NY, 11961

Chandra P Pokhrel
Ph.D Student Kent State University, Kent, OH, 44240 Research area: liquid crystal and organic semiconductor
Ph.D Student
Kent State University, Kent, OH, 44240
Research area: liquid crystal and organic semiconductor

Gyanu Acharya
Liquid Crystal Physics Department ,Kent State University, 105 Smith Hall, Kent,OH,44242
Liquid Crystal
Physics Department ,Kent State University, 105 Smith Hall, Kent,OH,44242

Kiran Shrestha
University of North Texas Denton, TX-76201 Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of North Texas
Denton, TX-76201
Department of Physics and Astronomy

Krishna Neupane
Research: Soft Condense Matter by optical characterization and light scattering Kent State University, Department of Physics, Kent, Oh, 44242
Research: Soft Condense Matter by optical characterization and light scattering
Kent State University,
Department of Physics, Kent, Oh, 44242

Kabi Raj Bantawa
Nuclear Physics Physics Department ,Kent State University, 105 Smith Hall, Kent,OH,44242
Nuclear Physics
Physics Department ,Kent State University, 105 Smith Hall, Kent,OH,44242

Leela Joshi
Liquid Crystal Physics Department ,Kent State University, 105 Smith Hall, Kent,OH,44242
Liquid Crystal
Physics Department ,Kent State University, 105 Smith Hall, Kent,OH,44242

Om Krishna Suwal
Sun Moon University Reseach Lab: Inter University Semiconductor Research Center (ISRC), SNU 104, ISRC, Seoul National University Silim Dong, Gwanak Gu, Seoul, 151-742, Korea Area of Research: Micro/na...
Sun Moon University
Reseach Lab: Inter University Semiconductor Research Center (ISRC), SNU
104, ISRC, Seoul National University
Silim Dong, Gwanak Gu, Seoul, 151-742, Korea
Area of Research: Micro/nano fabrication of nano optical probe
Status: Working towards Ph.D.

Rudra Kafle
Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) 100 Institute Road Worcester, MA 01609 USA Research: Bose-Einstein Condensate(BEC) -based atom interferometry (Theoretical Atomic Physics)
Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI)
100 Institute Road
Worcester, MA 01609
Research: Bose-Einstein Condensate(BEC) -based atom interferometry (Theoretical Atomic Physics)

Damodar Pokhrel
Graduate student, Medical Physics Graduate Program at VCU Department: Virginia Commonwealth University Radiation Oncology, Massey Cancer center 401 College St., Richmond, VA, 23298 Field of Research: ...
Graduate student, Medical Physics Graduate Program at VCU
Department: Virginia Commonwealth University
Radiation Oncology, Massey Cancer center
401 College St., Richmond, VA, 23298
Field of Research: Radiation Oncology Physics

Som N. Dahal
Graduate research assistant, Department of Electrical and computer engineering, University of Delaware , Newark, De-19716
Graduate research assistant,
Department of Electrical and computer engineering,
University of Delaware ,
Newark, De-19716

Trilochan Paudel
Research: nano-photovoltaics Boston College, 140 Commonwealth Avenue, Chestnut Hill,MA,
Research: nano-photovoltaics
Boston College,
140 Commonwealth Avenue,
Chestnut Hill,MA,

Ram B Thapa
University of Texas-Pan American Post Doc Mechanical Engineering Department Edinburg, TX 78541
University of Texas-Pan American
Post Doc
Mechanical Engineering Department
Edinburg, TX 78541

Giri Joshi (Sushil)
Graduate Student Boston College 140 Commonwealth Avenue Chestnut Hill, MA 02467 Research: Thyermoelectrics, Silicon/Gemanium URL:
Graduate Student
Boston College
140 Commonwealth Avenue
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467
Research: Thyermoelectrics, Silicon/Gemanium

Fanindra Bhatta
(Liquid Crystal) Physics Department ,Kent State University, 105 Smith Hall, Kent,OH,44242
(Liquid Crystal)
Physics Department ,Kent State University, 105 Smith Hall, Kent,OH,44242

Madhav Gautam
Department of Physics University of Akron Akron, OH
Department of Physics
University of Akron
Akron, OH

University of Akron: Physics

(330) 972-7078

Mahendra Thapa
Department of Physics/Children Hospital University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH- 45221
Department of Physics/Children Hospital
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, OH- 45221

Laxmi Karki
Department of Physics University of Akron Akron, OH
Department of Physics
University of Akron
Akron, OH

Manoj Shrestha
Research: Nuclear Physics Physics Department ,Kent State University, 105 Smith Hall, Kent,OH,44242
Research: Nuclear Physics
Physics Department ,Kent State University, 105 Smith Hall, Kent,OH,44242

Naresh Shakya
Physics Department ,Kent State University, 105 Smith Hall, Kent,OH,44242
Physics Department ,Kent State University, 105 Smith Hall, Kent,OH,44242

Naresh Subba
Research: Nuclear Physics Physics Department ,Kent State University, 105 Smith Hall, Kent,OH,44242
Research: Nuclear Physics
Physics Department ,Kent State University, 105 Smith Hall, Kent,OH,44242

Prem Basnet
Physics Department ,Kent State University, 105 Smith Hall, Kent,OH,44242
Physics Department ,Kent State University, 105 Smith Hall, Kent,OH,44242

Rabindra Bajracharya
Physics Department ,Kent State University, 105 Smith Hall, Kent,OH,44242
Physics Department ,Kent State University, 105 Smith Hall, Kent,OH,44242

Subas Dhakal
Physics Department ,Kent State University, 105 Smith Hall, Kent,OH,44242
Physics Department ,Kent State University, 105 Smith Hall, Kent,OH,44242

Leela Pradhan Joshi
Physics Department Kent State University Kent OH-44240
Physics Department
Kent State University Kent

Naresh Shakya
Soft Condensed Matter-Organic Semiconductor / Liquid Crystal Physics Department ,Kent State University, 105 Smith Hall, Kent,OH,44242
Soft Condensed Matter-Organic Semiconductor / Liquid Crystal
Physics Department ,Kent State University, 105 Smith Hall, Kent,OH,44242

Parashuram Gyawali
Research: Superconductor Physics Department ,Kent State University, 105 Smith Hall, Kent,OH,44242
Research: Superconductor
Physics Department ,Kent State University, 105 Smith Hall, Kent,OH,44242

Vinaya Kumar Jha
Sun Moon University Reseach Lab: Physics and nano science Address: Ahsan Si, Korea Status: Working towards Ph.D. Area of Research: Characterization of plasmonic probes
Sun Moon University
Reseach Lab: Physics and nano science
Address: Ahsan Si, Korea
Status: Working towards Ph.D.
Area of Research: Characterization of plasmonic probes

Yukta Timalsina
Yukta Timalsina research:Bionano sensor university: University of Idaho Moscow, ID 83843
Yukta Timalsina
research:Bionano sensor
university: University of Idaho
Moscow, ID 83843

Yadav Pandit
Nuclear Physics Physics Department ,Kent State University, 105 Smith Hall, Kent,OH,44242
Nuclear Physics
Physics Department ,Kent State University, 105 Smith Hall, Kent,OH,44242

Dilli Raj Paudel
Department of Physics New Mexico State University Las Cruces, NM 88003
Department of Physics
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, NM 88003

Hikmat B. C.
Department of Physics New Mexico State University Las Cruces, NM 88003
Department of Physics
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, NM 88003

Sanjiv Jha
Department of Physics New Mexico State University Las Cruces, NM 88003
Department of Physics
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, NM 88003

Lekh Nath Adhikari
Department of Physics New Mexico State University Las Cruces, NM 88003
Department of Physics
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, NM 88003

Dinesh Thapa

Jagannath Devkota
University of Southern Mississippi Dept of Phys and Astronomy Hattiesburg, MS USA

Puspa Raj Pudasaini
University of Southern Mississippi Dept of Phys and Astronomy Hattiesburg, MS USA

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

International Conference on Frontiers of Physics (ICFP 2009): Kathmandu, Nepal

The International Conference on Frontiers of Physics (ICFP 2009) is going to be organized in Kathmandu.
The registration form is available at the Nepal Physical Society web site: 

To learn more about the ICFP 2009 please visit the page at here ...
Basically, It aims to gather the research scientists in the fields of
Condensed matter physics & material science (CP)
Plasma Physics(PP)
Astro-particle physics(AP)
Environmental physics(EP)

I would like to wish the ICFP team all the best!!!

Please contact icfp2009{at} for further details.